1.The common regulations for the Master’s Degree of the Somali National University shall apply.

2.The following will be eligible for admission into the course:

2.1. Holders of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB ChB), Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS), Bachelor of Nursing Sciences (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) or equivalent degree from a University recognized by the Somali National University Senate in addition to

2.3.Holders of a first degree in health related disciplines of upper second class or above from a University recognized by the Somali National University Senate.

2.4. Holders of a first degree of lower second class degree in health related disciplines with relevant Post Graduate Diploma In addition to the academic qualifications above, an applicant must have a minimum of three years working experience

2.5. Holders of a first degree of pass in health related disciplines with relevant Post Graduate Diploma and five years working experience

Bring the following documents to the School Campus:

1. Copy of your Degree( Must be accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education/ Waa iney ka tasdiiqsanaataa Wasaradda Waxbarashada Soomaliya
2. Copy of your Passport or Birth Certificate/ Koobi baasaboork ama dhalasho iyo sugnaasho Gobalka ah
3. Statement of Purpose ( English Only)/ Maxa kugu riixayya in aad soo codsata program-ka
4. Four passport photos ( Afar Sawir oo Taysaro ah)
5. File ( Gal kusoorid documents kaas oo dhan)
6. CV